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Iron Man 3 Review

Let’s dive right in! So if you’re a fan of the series and especially of the iron man character itself, then this movie should be right up your alley.

It explores the hardships Tony Stark (Iron Man) faces being a public figure, iconic super hero and having his identity known by everyone.

He puts Pepper Potts in danger and basically loses everything at one point. It’s It’s a constant struggle for him between doing what’s right, doing what’s best and doing what’s needed.

I truly believe this is the best of the three Iron Man movies (excluding the Avengers of course since it was an ensemble cast.

I did like how they made this take place after the events in the Avengers and how Tony has nightmares and panic attacks whenever he sleeps or gets stressed. The writers did a phenomenal job at showing his humanity and vulnerability.

I won’t give away the villian (Mandarin) plot because it will ruin the movie for you but the way they tied everything together and wrapped up the story was definitely satisfying for me.

If you want Iron Man suits… wow! You got them in this movie. Lets just say there’s a ton of suits with a lot of different unique features and gadgets.

See this movie if you’re into action, explosions, marvel comics or just like to have  a fun movie experience.

Evil Dead Review

Hey guys! I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has read and liked my reviews and apologize for the length of time since I’ve posted one. I do have a day job and was recently promoted so my gaming and movie watching has hit the back burner. Fear not minions, for I am back.

Today, you shall read the ramblings of my mind on the movie The Evil Dead. For those of you who have watched the original, (I did not but I did hear complaints) there’s a few differences between that and this remake.

Now, I don’t want to give too much away but the basic premise of the movie is about a bunch of kids in the woods that find a book of the dead and unleashes the fucking scariest thing ever and it slowly picks people off like fucking daisies.
If you see that its a horror flick and you think to yourself, “Hey, Jess and I could cuddle up and watch this movie,” fuck you. She will not want to cuddle, she will have nightmares forever and will hate you until the Winchesters burn her corpse. (Supernatural reference)

It starts out with the sad sob story of the brother, David, that wasn’t there for his druggie sister who nearly killed herself named Mia. In an attempt to sober her up, they all take a trip out to this creepy family cabin and promise to stick it out while she gets cleaned up. If my family said they had a cabin in the woods and I was free to go at any point, I’d take it as them setting me up for a horror flick. Just saying. They discover an odor coming from the basement and upon searching the cabin they find the book of the dead and a bunch of other witchcraft crap. The bookworm named Eric then takes it into his own hands and like a dumbass, reads it, unleashing this evil demon that possesses Mia.

I can’t really tell anymore than that cuz then I’d be giving the movie away entirely. The deaths are gruesome. And that, my friends, is putting it lightly. There’s blood and gore and some of those images were a little much to handle. As a huge horror movie lover, the movie was fucking sweet, and awesome and scary as shit. As a female, the movie was scary as shit, bloody, terrifying, needing-a-psychiatrist worthy.

All in all, totally worth the mental damage. See it, Like now! Stop reading, or that crazy demon bitch will come and kill you. Flippin cars and shit. (You’ll get that reference when you see it.) Kay?

Warm Bodies Review

Let me just start off by saying that if you want a bloody, body mutilating, typical zombie movie, dont see it. Just like everyone who thought twilight was gonna be a typical vampire movie, this is the same deal. Zombies in this movie, come back to life, the undead becomes, well… Undead.

I loved the idea of Julie falling in love with R because it’s not really ideal due to him being dead and all. Minus the fact that he ate Perry’s brains and proceeded to pursue her, their love story was actually cute. His awkward, but cute attempts at wooing her pay off and they fall into the abyss of luuuurv.

I also really enjoyed the idea of eating someone’s brains and picking up their memories. Can you imagine eating someones brains and knowing their lives in their perspective? Maybe eating Nick Hoults brain and seeing his relationship with Jenn Lawrence… And vice versa for the ladies? Rawr.

If I was going through some serious relationship problems and a zombie turned to me and said, “Bitches,” I dont know how I’d react.

The basic concept of this movie is that love conquers all. It can bring you back from the… undead? And can cure others with just the sight of it. If you’re into seeing a zombie movie with a strange but awesome love story, go see this movie. If you don’t wanna see this movie because its a romance, well, fuck you, go get laid. Kay? Kay.

I give the movie 5 out of 5 brownie points because of its originality, and because, well… zombies.